Osprey is the emperor of Vikings and this sword was used by the emperor. Its extra long guard protects the hand. The blade is well balanced, grip is wood covered with leather. Comes with wood scabbard with leather and has steel mountings.
The Osprey is the emperor of Viking swords. Slightly larger than typical raiding swords, this sword has an amazing swept guard that stretches a good five inches to each side. Nickeled and flared at the edges, the guard gives this noble sword a regal appearance. The kings of the Vikings, clan leaders such as the wise and battle hardened Gothar would have swung brilliant swords such as these.
The focal point of the sword is, of course, the sweeping, wing-like guard that slopes away from the grip. But the sword has a classic lobed pommel, nickeled and bright, and a ridged grip of wood wrapped with rugged, double-stitched black leather.
The blade is a wide and durable hand-forged carbon steel with a thick and shallow fuller. The edges, like most Viking swords, run nearly parallel for most of the length of the blade, beginning its taper only as it gets near the tip. The scabbard is leather-wrapped wood with fine nickeled metal collar and tip.
Overall Size: 39"
Blade Size: 32"
Blade width: 2"
Blade Thickness: .14"
Blade material: High Carbon Steel
Blade: Full Tang, Razor Sharp Edge
Scabbard : Leather
Weight without Scabbard: 3.42 lbs
Weight with Scabbard: 3.7 lbs