There have been skilled mercenaries from almost ever continent at one time or another in history, and though the ones who have fought in major battles get most of the press, it is the silent, wandering mercenaries that attract the attention of fiction writers.
From the sell-sword Bronn, of George R. R. Martin's wonderful A Song of Ice and Fire series, to Kitiara Uth Matar, hired blade and sister to Raistlin and Caramon in the famous Dragonlance stories by Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman, mercenaries have always tugged at our imaginations and brought wicked smiles to our lips.
Although not a true bastard sword, it does have a grip wide enough for some hand-and-a-half work. The so-called "scent-stopper" pommel (a pommel in the shape of a perfume bottle top (although, lord knows who the heck came up with that term. Who in their right minds would use a perfume bottle to describe any part of a sword?) is especially long, creating extra room and vaulting this sword into the "hybrid" bastard sword classification.
There are several prominent features on this sword. The most prominent one (particularly to those on the receiving end of a good slash) is the extremely wide blade. This width gives the weapon a rugged, frightening look that would have added to the a mercenary's prestige. The blade is made from high-carbon steel and features a pleasantly wide fuller running about halfway down the blade.
The pommel and guard are brass antiqued to make look alike original. Grip is wood covered in cord and leather. Comes with a wood covered with leather scabbard and Antiqued brass mountings, blade is fully tempered..
Blade length: 31" (79cm)
Overall sword length: 38-1/4" (971.5cm)
Blade width at cross: 2-3/8" (60mm)
Blade width near point: 1-1/2" (38mm)
Cross width: 8" (20.3cm)
Handle length: 4-1/4" (11cm)
Pommel Length: 3" (76mm)
Blade material: 1065/1095 High Carbon Steel
Blade : Full Tang, Razor Sharp Edge
Scabbard : Leather
Weight W/O Scabbard: 3 lbs 4 oz
Weight W/Scabbard: 4 lbs 5 oz