A wonderful, rare, beautiful battle-ready sword that would certainly
have been appropriate for a master of the order. The blade, forged from carbon steel, has a full, wide hollow blood groove. The straight crossguard is made of brass tapers at the ends is engraved on one side: In Hoc Signo Vincens ("In this sign you will win"). The massive, domed brass pommel is provided with a graved crutch cross (hammer cross). The scabbard is wood covered with leather and brass mountings.
Overall Size: 42"
Blade Size: 34.5"
Blade width: 2"
Blade Thickness: .16"
Blade material: High Carbon Steel
Blade: Full Tang, Razor Sharp Edge
Scabbard : Leather
Weight without Scabbard: 4.19 lbs
Weight with Scabbard: 5.05 lbs